ramyun_bowl wrote in eoin_daily Sep 20, 2012 00:53
totally bffs ♡, *merlin related, i love them ♥, [as: gwaine], !picture, with: rupert young, *behind the scenes: merlin
ramyun_bowl wrote in eoin_daily Sep 16, 2012 16:31
totally bffs ♡, *just chillin', [as: gwaine], !picture, i love group photos!, ladies watch out, with: rupert young, *behind the scenes: merlin, with: the knights, *merlin related, with: tom hopper, i love them ♥, his hair must be insured, with: adetomiwa edun
ramyun_bowl wrote in eoin_daily Sep 16, 2012 14:33
with: richard wilson, with: crew members, !picture, with: the whole gang/cast!, with: tom hopper, with: bradley james, lol fail!, with: santiago cabrera, blah, [as: gwaine], with: rupert young, *behind the scenes: merlin, *merlin related, with: the knights, where is he?, who put salt in his coffee?!, with: colin morgan, with: adetomiwa edun
ramyun_bowl wrote in eoin_daily Sep 16, 2012 13:04
totally bffs ♡, *just chillin', aren't they cute?, [as: gwaine], blah, !picture, with: rupert young, *behind the scenes: merlin, with: tom hopper, *merlin related, smile for the camera, with: fans
ramyun_bowl wrote in eoin_daily Sep 04, 2012 00:17
!picture, ladies watch out, with: tom hopper, smile for the camera, look at those abs!, the ultimate ot3, freaking hawt, boys hold onto your gfs, totally bffs ♡, *photo-shoot, with: rupert young, *merlin related, topless is the new trend, the teaser, could totally start nosebleeds, omg